Eclipses For Eye – Letters

Nice steady drum beat in the intro, while the guitar slowly builds on it’s self. The pace of the song doesn’t really swing above a slow tempo which is perfect for the song. An equally easy going guitar lines really underlays the vocals. I like the restraint of the guitar as it really lest Lexi’s vocals shine. She has the same range that Lacey Mosely (formerly of Fly Leaf) has. It’s a beautiful range for a rock singer. The higher register generally leads to an almost pleading tone with no real effort. In this case that works perfectly into the lyrics. I really loved the story they were telling through the lyrics. I think we’ve all had moments when we felt just like this.

I really enjoyed this song. I would absolutely check out the rest of their library of songs. This is absolutely one for my phone. Of course I would put it on my power chicks list. Lexi has such a strong vocal style she belongs with the rest of my iconic female leads. I would also put this on a list with some of my Cold, Red  and Chevelle. While those aren’t female lead bands, they do share a musical style.


Who They Are:

‘Their music is upbeat, vital and virulent (as it pervades your thoughts long after the tunes have left your headphones), and the group is energetic and enthusiastic.’ -Shane Hunt,

The Band is:

Lexi Salazar – Vocals.
Cameron Dartt – Guitar
Allen Zettel – Guitar




Where You Can Get More:

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